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* Courtesy of Wix

Annual Operational Support


The orphanage is in need of continual support for its operation to provide the needed services of education, medical care, food rations, and accommodation (lodging). Currently, it does not have a dedicated source of income, except for the generous donations from the ECCC communion and faithful church members in the Democratic Republic of Congo who sacrifice their meager monthly salaries to care for the children's immediate needs, pay the facility's rent, and nominally reimburse teachers. The orphanage's school has proposed offering technical / professional training as one possible income-generating activity, among others (see the school webpage for more details on proposed training).


To generate the needed income to support the annual budgetary needs for operating the orphanage, including its school, we have carefully calculated an average daily cost per orphaned (vulnerable) child based on the difficult social and economic conditions where the orphanage is located: 


  • Per child costs: $2.30 USD per day is the amount needed to care for one of the 167 children at the orphanage, which amounts to $69.00 USD per child per month, and $839.50 USD per child per year.

  • Per orphanage costs: $384.10 USD per day is the amount needed to care for the entire orphanage, which amounts to $11,523.00 USD for the entire orphanage per month (based on a 30-day month), and $138,276.00 USD annually (for 12 months).


For those donors who wish to sponsor a child, our logistics and accounting departments will work in tandem to transmit a timely report to provide an update about your sponsored child.


Note: Contributions to AKROS as of Oct. 6, 2022, are tax-deductible in the United States; AKROS is registered with and recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501c3 non-profit and a 509(a)(2) public charitable organization. It's corporate /business offices are located in Virginia and its operations is in Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa.


"Be a part of the solution by carefully considering how you will support the ongoing operation of the orphanage: on a per child or per orphanage basis."

Click on the button at left to be taken to a secure site to make your donation today.

Please contact the orphanage's board secretary/treasurer or national coordinator/director, if you have any specific questions.


Archbishop Karl Rodig Orphanage and School

Gary A. Staszak, Secretary/Treasurer

P.O. Box 1846

Manassas, VA 20108-1846

Phone in US: +1 571-383-8360


Rev. Dn. Munembwe Mukamba Damas, Coordinator

Nn°42 Kasese Avenue

Lumumba District, Commune of Bagira

Bukavu, South Kivu 00000

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Phone in DRC: +243 820124505; +243 970161124


Special Projects Support


The figures above are in addition to the special projects that routinely arise (see special requests on our blog page or the post below and the updates page for results of special project support). These special projects in part have been made possible to the generous contributions of the ECCC communion and other supporters. 


About the Orphanage and School

This charitable-social justice organization of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ (ECCC) was created in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa in September 2018 to care for and to educate orphaned (vulnerable) children. It is a federally recognized non-profit and public charity (EIN 88-4220382). It has national legal personality in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa): no. 351/CAB/ME/MIN/J&GS/2024. Read More


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